Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Joy of Soy?

So first of all, things have been getting harder! I've had a lot of slip ups. Well, still nothing compared to what I would have eaten before, but still, slip ups. They have come in the form of a Coke, huckleberry ice cream (or does this count as a fruit? :P), and a brownie. Probably other things too that I'm not remembering at the moment. How long until cravings stop? Three weeks? Something like that?

Next I was wondering what everyone knows about soy. I've always thought about it as really healthy, and a good substitute for meat. But I was reading a study that links soy to some unhappy side effects. Most of them involve infertility in women, but there's no way in hell I'm having kids, so it's hard to be concerned about that particular side effect. Still, that one is more obvious immediately, but could there be other long-term effects. What have you guys read, and what do you think?

Ugh. I want a cookie. I guess I'll go eat a banana instead. *sigh*


  1. sorry for forcing you to eat ice cream! i just hate myself!

    i've heard similar things about soy-- that fertility stuff is related to estrogen mimics (dr wetterer said so in college!) it also reduces sperm counts and makes men grow boobies and stuff.

    but. i think you have to eat like 47 lbs/day or something. i'm sure you're healthy.

    here's something, bodies need less protein than we imagine (michael pollan told me) FDA says 60 grams of protein or something? but bodies can do fine with half that; especially if we aren't growing anymore. so you might not need to be as concerned with grams of protein as you think. better read more into it, because i can't remember the details. i think i read about it in 'in defense of food'

  2. I've heard soy in its natural (& fermented I'm assuming, b/c of the sauce) forms (edamame, soy sauce, tofu) are okay... it's just when you get into tofurky and other soy meat substitutes you start running afoul of estrogen.

    Personally, I just think it boils down to everything in moderation. Asian cultures have been eating it for so long, if there were really a problem on a basic level we'd have 1+ billion people with three heads by now. :)

  3. Also - stay strong! I've heard the 3 weeks thing, too... and it probably took me about that to stop craving soda when I stopped drinking it regularly.
